Archives For Wes Poole

The Colourist - Jeromy Reaux 1

All Images by Jeromy Reaux

It is a rare occurrence, at least in my experience, when one can attend a show and end up truly loving not only the band that was the catalyst for your attendance, but also the other two acts on the bill.  Wednesday night at the High Watt the fuse was lit by The Wind and The Wave, kept burning hot with Night Terrors of 1927, and ignited into a glorious musical detonation of awesomeness with The Colourist.

The Wind And The Wave
The Wind and The Wave have enjoyed some love from our beloved local radio station Lightning 100 who have recently been playing the male/female duo’s foot stomping tune, With Your Two Hands.  This is currently the only music that they have available for purchase, but never fear, they are planning on releasing their first album this year which this hungry music lover will be sure to gobble up.  Best friends Dwight Baker and Patricia Lynn play more like a single person occupying two bodies than they do a two-piece band.  Patricia attacked the microphone and moved with contagious energy with Dwight’s backing vocals and electric guitar finishing the sound out effortlessly.  The two of them mentioned early on in the show that they will always carry fond memories of Nashville for being the first city to play their music on the radio.  Baker offered a light-hearted quip after this by saying that they might end up also holding a grudge against us if we are also the last city to play them over the air waves.  Believe me, Dwight, the two of you are far too talented for that to ever happen.  Chemistry was not my best best subject in high school, but I know a perfect mix when I see it.
Night Terrors of 1927
Next up was a previously unknown band to me, the Los Angeles based Night Terrors of 1927.  Some great musical discoveries are made on accident and that was the case for me this night.  With powerful lead vocals and harmonies from nearly everyone on stage I was more than pleased with my first experience with Night Terrors.  Their songs were catchy with a broad appeal, but still personal and raw – a combination that will no doubt serve this band well.  Oh, and one more thing…their drummer ROCKS.
The Colourist 1
Closing out the Wednesday night show was another west coast act, The Colourist.  The band name/logo draped across the back wall of the stage was a good touch, but I have no doubt that they will soon be replacing it with much larger stage decorations.  Anthems…their songs are anthems.  I somehow felt like singing along to every song they played, whether I had previously heard it or not.  While everyone on stage were talented musicians and essential parts of the sound and show, nobody in attendance could keep their eyes off of the female drummer/co-lead singer Maya Tuttle (or am I just speaking for myself?).  Are you kidding me??  Her drums were set at the front of the stage and trust me, that was no accident.  With a killer voice and rhythm for days you definitely don’t want to banish her to the back of any stage, ever.  Put her up front…heck, put her on a spotlighted raised platform front and center for all the world to see.  Sometimes I fall in love at shows…this might have been one of those times.  I will see them the next time they are in our fair city and you had best do the same.  This band rocks, nuff said.  Not to mention (even though I’m mentioning it) that some guy in the crowd up front started doing the worm towards the end of the set so hey, it must have been good…right?

The High Watt is a perfect place to experience new talent in a small intimate setting where you can hear the music and see the details, but each of these bands delivered in a way that can easily take them on a short walk down the hall to the larger capacity and talent-worn stage of the Mercy Lounge.
– Wes Poole
(For more images from the night, head over to Reaux Photo for the full set. Thanks, Jeromy!)