What We Are Listening To: Pretty Little Empire

Cause A Scene —  June 24, 2013 — Leave a comment


From St. Louis, MO, Pretty Little Empire could best be described as an americana folk rock band, but since they began playing together in the fall of 2008, they have cultivated a sound that has revealed a complexity and maturity that extends beyond typical genre parameters. Since forming the band in the fall of 2008, they have recorded two full-length albums. Their second and most recent full-length album, Reasons and Rooms garnered the band a good bit of local attention. They have spent the last couple of years touring across the midwest, east coast and beyond, and are currently working on recording their third full-length album.

Check out their song, Something More below. If you like what you hear, you can listen to the Pretty Little Empire’s entire second album, Reasons and Rooms at their Bandcamp page.

Cause A Scene


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